Field Commentary

General: Fields are Glee's way of naming and referencing "Methods and Properties" of Objects; "Fields" of Record Sets; and "Symbols" of Referenced Namespaces. Field names are delimited by a leading period ( . ) in the user's namespace and a leading colon (:) in the system namespace. The period or colon is not considered part of the field internally ... it is a cue to the parser for typing. Internally, fields are just specially tagged string objects. This special tagging allows Glee to interpret the string in context rather than as data. All Glee objects have fields. Glee's interpretation of fields is case insensitive.

Besides the Object context, Glee's fields are important to Namespaces and Record Sets. In References to Namespaces, Glee's fields become references to symbols. In the Record Set context, Glee's fields become symbolic names of fields (i.e. column elements) in records.

Number: This example illustrates a query ( : ) of the fields for a number object.

Number (Detail): This example illustrates responses to various number object field queries. In order, they are: numeric designation of alignment (float or integer), character designation of alignment, size of the object, object as a string, object as a verbose string, numeric designation of object type, and character designation of object type. Note: I display the :string  response by bracketing it in verbose switches ($V $v) so you can see it is a string.

String: The string object currently supports standard query fields plus comma separated values (:csv), hex representation (:hex), and conversion to numeric (:num) methods. Methods execute an algorithm when referenced to return their result. The other fields can be considered as properties and just return the state of the object.

String(Detail): This illustrates standard property displays for string object fields.

String (:num): Converts strings to numbers. If numbers can be found in the string the result is numeric with nil in postions of substrings failing conversion. An empty character string results in an empty numeric vector.

String (:csv):Representation of data as comma separated vectors (csv) is common for transferring data between systems. If a string is really data in csv form, this method will convert it into a sequence (lines) of sequences (fields separated by commas). Each element is a string with the delimiting commas removed. Quoted strings are not dequoted and strings of numerics are not converted to numbers. Such needs are left to further processing by the user's Glee code. It is possible, a method for more complete conversion will be added in the future.

String (:hex):This is a convenient vulturing tool. You can grab data and store it in a string. You can then display portions of the string (by indexing into it) in hexadecimal form to know exactly what it contains. The result is a string with 0x0A characters dividing the lines. Non-printable data displays as periods.


Sequence(Detail):Notice that the :string  method here is not particularly useful as it doesn't separate the display of the elements. The expose with separator operator ( ,, ) can be used to obtain string displays of sequences with any desired separator. Note: A sequence is just a vector of 8 byte pointers. Therefore, its size does not reflect the size of the objects to which its elements point.

Namespace: Namespaces contain considerable valuable information. Properties like :names, :size, :sizes, :string, :stringv, :typec, :typen, :values allow us to take a look at it. The :clear method clears the namespace of all its references.

Namespace([]:clear=>@): The empty index to no object ([]) defaults to the current namespace. Thus, []:clear operates on a copy of the current namespace and clears all objects from it. You can selectively remove objects from a namespace using the ( ~ ) without operator.

Namespace: Namespaces contain considerable valuable information. Fields allow us to take a look at it. The :clear method clears the namespace of all its references. .names yields the names of symbols a namespace contains.

Namespace property examples:This example gives a play-by-play description of the various namespace fields. Being interested in the most local namespace, I use the @ reference operator to obtain a reference to it. First, I clear the most local namespace with (#ns =>@). You may also use (#NS=>@) to accomplish this. I then put three objects (i,s, and k) into the namespace by assigned them values. The indexing operator ( [] ) with no left argument assumes the most local namespace and returns all its elements (as any empty index will do).

The : field queries. @ : then queries the local namespace for its properties and methods. It yields (:, :clear, :names, :size, :sizes, :string, :stringv, :typec, :typen, :values) which are all the current fields (i.e. methods and properties) exhibited by namespaces.

Next I display the size of the namespace ([]:size ). Glee goes through all namespace objects to compute this value. The (:typec and :typen) properties tell the object type. (:names, :sizes, and :values) return detail information about namespace objects. Note, these are all in namespace order which is alphabetic by name (ignoring case). Also note the (,,) "expose with separator" operator after the :name example that spaces out the names. Finally, string representations of namespace names are obtained using (:string and :stringv).



