Control Structures: :select / :case / :default Commentary Template

:select(selector) [.fl] {
:case  (target)  {arg[.fl]{code}}
:default         {arg[.fl]{code}} }

Above you see the general form of the :select/ :case / :default structure. The italicized portions are optional. :select takes a "selector" expression. Optionally it takes a field list specifying the context in which :select will operate. Taking each next :case control in turn, it looks for a match with its target. As soon as it matches, it invokes the code. Depending on the context, it will then either move to the next case or exit structure. If it doesn't find a match and there is a :default control token, it executes the code for that token. As usual, if the executed expression does not end in semicolon, it returns the result for that expression. Otherwise, it returns

One example tells a lot:This example demonstrates Glee's ability to do standard select processing. To exercise this simple :select, I run a :for loop assigning to "i" the numbers 1 to 4 in turn (:for(1..4[.i]){ ). I use "i" as my selector and enter a block of cases (:select(i){ ). Each case has a match target and a block of code to be executed. (e.g.:case(1){'one'} ). If the selector matches the case's target, the case's code is executed. If there is no semicolon at the end of the expression, the result is collected into the sequence result for the select. I have included the optional default case which is used when no cases match the selector (default{'???'} }. I display the result in verbose form ( %** ). The :for loop produces the outer sequence. Each :select creates an inner sequence. In this case it is a one element sequence. However, :select has a mode ( .all ) which causes all cases to be executed. In this mode, the :select can meet more than one case and would thus produce a sequence of more than 1 element. This example matches the capability of the select or switch control structure in most programming languages. Glee has more to offer with its additional modes described later.

Runtime target matching:Most programming languages, especially non-interpreting languages, will have trouble with this example. Glee has the capability to do things at run time that other languages can't. This example illustrates. I begin by creating two associated sequences containing words in English and Spanish respectively ('one' 'two' 'three' =>english; 'uno' 'dos' =>spanish; ). I take the English list as an iterator in a :for loop delivering words one at a time (:for( english[ .word]){). Select uses each word as a selector ( :select( word){ ) and tests it against the list of cases. For example, (:case( english[1]){ spanish[1]}) tests the word against the first word in the English list. If it matches, the result is the first word in the Spanish list. If the word is not found in the English list, (:default{ 'unknown'}) fires issuing a diagnostic.Glee collects all the results of these cases in a sequence which it returns as the result of the :select block. I save this (}=>x;) and then display it several ways (x $;); (x %** $;); (x,,'; '$;); and (x,,\;).
