Glee Cheatsheet: Character/String Operators

Monadic; D: Dyadic; P: Property or Method
DA: Delete All; DE: Delete Extraneous; DL: Delete Leading; DT: Delete Trailing
B: Blanks; C: Characters; CRLF: Carriage Return/Line Feed

Character/String Operators: (click for examples & comments)
M %/ Upper Case M %\ Lower Case D , Catenate
D *= Mark Equal D .. Range D %% Reshape
M *& or
@< *&
Mark Words Start M @> *& Mark Words End D | Union
D *& or
@< *&
Mark String Start D @> *& Mark String End D *| Mark Chars
D .. Range D %% Reshape M & Unique
M <-< Left Shift 1 D <-< Left Shift n D & Intersection
M <%< Left Rotate 1 D <%< Left Rotate n M >%< Flip
M >-> Right Shift 1 D >-> Right Shift n D = Equal
M >%> Right Rotate 1 D >%> Right Rotate n D *<> Band Pairs
D ^| Contains Chars D ^& Contains String M ~ Delete All Blanks
D ` Index of chars D `& Index of All D ~ Delete All Chars
D `| Index of Any D ``| Indices of Any D ``& Indices of All
M ~< DLB M ~> DTB M ~~ Delete Extraneous Blanks
D ~< DLC D ~> DTC D ~~ Delete Extraneous Chars
M \ Segment CRLF D \| Segment on Delimiter M \& Segment words
M \~ Segment CRLF and eat D \|~ Segment Delimiter and Eat M @= Mark for liberal Glee compare
D \ Segment on Index D \~ Segment on Index and Eat M @== Mark for exact compare
#SOUNDEX Mark w/Soundex D #GREP Mark w/GREP M #ASC ASCII/Integer
P .b64 Base 64 P .r64 Rep 64