Contacting Glee

I use these mailboxes to segregate mail so I can address the most important issues first. Anything you can do to help me in that regard should be good for us both. If none of these mailboxes seem appropriate, just contact me at: I'll get you an answer.

Commentary Reason Description
Commentary Questions not in FAQ:
The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) may get you answers faster than I can respond. But if you don't find it there, please message me.
Commentary Documentation flaws:
If you find typos, misspellings, awful grammar, or have general advice regarding Glee documentation ... I want to know.
Commentary If you think a term should be added to the glossary, please tell me.
Commentary Bug reports:
If you find a flaw in Glee please report it to me.
Commentary Have a salesman call:
Right now Glee is free. Hopefully, as its value becomes evident, that will change.