Bag Container Commentary

General:. The #bag object is a skip list (behaves like a balanced binary tree). It allows multiple (non-unique keys) and multiple (non-unique key/value pairs) associations.

Simple insertion and display as a sequence: This illustrates how values and keys are entered into a bag. The :seq method returns the whole bag as a sequence of couplets. It is useful for illustrating the concepts and for testing but would not likely find use for large bags.

Access (indexing): When you access (index) a bag by key, you are returned all value instances for that key as a sequence of sequences. If you supply a single index you can just "disclose" (<) the result to get the sequence of values for the key. If you supply more than one key (as in this example), you will index out of the resulting sequence in correspondence to the order in which you supplied the indices. If you supply an invalid key, the contents of the corresponding item in the result will contain nothing (as illustrated here for 'x' )

Remove ( ~ ): Vector operations should be intuitive. They perform extension of single keys to multiple values and single values to multiple keys. They do not force conformity as some of the vector objects do. This is because there is usually no logical meaning for putting 3 things into two places. For removal, key value pairs are supplied (as in this case we have two such pairs). The "without" operator ( ~ ) leaves the bag without that key/value pair. Other identical key/value pairs remain. As with dictionaries, it is illogical to return the entire index as the result (it could be huge). Thus, the removals are done "in place".

Remove By Key: You remove all items for a given key by just supplying the key alone.

Remove with ambiguity: Notice in this example, there can be ambiguity when I remove. Do I mean remove the "dk3/ck" key/value pair? Or do I mean remove the "dk3" key and the "ck" key. To remove the ambiguity enclose ('dk3' 'ck'>). Without the enclose ( > ) I would remove all the dk3's and all the ck's. I need to get some experience with describing removals that can have this kind of ambiguity. I want the power but I don't want the risk. If I find this problematic, I will fall back to the less risky capability. Be careful and experiment.
