Glee coding Case Studies:

For now, these case studies are just being thrown together as ideas come to mind. There are many techniques in Glee for doing the same thing. For the most part the techniques used in these case studies were determined by software sculpting. Glee has the unique ability for allowing you to carve out the solution to your problems. If it is a one-time-only problem, any solution that works is acceptable. It you find yourself using the solution more frequently, you will probably go back and try to tweak it for better performance, robustness, generality, or elegance.

  1. CS00001 (020913): Compare two lists of e-mail addresses and combine.
  2. CS00002 (020915): Extract Table of Contents from Text File
  3. CS00003 (020917): Text to HTML Table
  4. CS00004 (020926): Read article from text file
  5. CS00005 (020926): Counting words
  6. CS00006 (021120): Creating random hands of playing cards
  7. CS00007 (021203): Sorting heterogenous numeric representations
  8. CS00008 (021215): The Sets Game
  9. CS00009 (030308): Ciphering and Deciphering
  10. CS00010 (030314): Embedding Ciphering and Deciphering
  11. CS00011 (030315): Base64 encoding and decoding
  12. CS00012 (030316): Number system conversions
  13. CS00013 (030518): Break number vector into ranges
  14. CS00014 (030518): Report code bugs by responsibility
  15. CS00015 (030611): Interpolating data and resampling
  16. CS00016 (030726): Regression testing
  17. CS00017 (030914): Morse code